SQL Interview Questions: 70+ Questions & Answers to Ace Your 2024 Interviews

SQL Interview Questions: 70+ Questions & Answers to Ace Your 2024 Interviews

Are you gearing up for an SQL interview? SQL, or Structured Query Language, is the backbone of data management in many organizations today. With its origins dating back to the 1970s, SQL has evolved into a vital skill for anyone looking to work with databases. Whether a fresh graduate or a seasoned professional, understanding the core concepts and terminology is crucial to your success.

In this article, you’ll discover a list of 70 SQL interview questions designed to test your knowledge and boost your confidence. From basic definitions to complex queries, these questions reflect what top companies often ask during interviews. Get ready to jump into the world of SQL and sharpen your skills for that next big opportunity.

database schema, data tables, schema

Table of Contents

SQL Interview Questions and Answers

Preparing for an SQL interview involves understanding vital concepts and terminology. Rest assured, knowing the answers to these common questions can bolster your confidence and improve your performance.

1. What is SQL?

SQL, or Structured Query Language, serves as a standard database language. It’s designed specifically for managing and manipulating relational databases. Developed in the 1970s by IBM, SQL allows users to create, read, update, and delete data effectively.

2. What is a database?

A database is an organized collection of data. It comprises tables that store information in rows and columns, facilitating efficient retrieval and manipulation. Each table holds records, with each record containing specific fields related to a single entity.

3. Does SQL support programming language features?

SQL doesn’t support comprehensive programming features like loops or conditional statements. But, you can use stored procedures and functions for some procedural elements. These tools allow for more complex operations but don’t replace traditional programming languages.

4. What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR2 datatype in SQL?

CHAR is a fixed-length datatype, while VARCHAR2 is variable-length. For instance, defining a field as CHAR(5) restricts input to exactly five characters. Conversely, VARCHAR2 allows for flexible character lengths, offering greater efficiency in storage and usage.

5. What do you mean by data definition language?

Data Definition Language (DDL) encompasses SQL commands such as CREATE, DROP, and ALTER. These commands define the structure of your database and its objects. Understanding DDL is essential for managing schema changes effectively.

6. What do you mean by data manipulation language?

Data Manipulation Language (DML) consists of commands like INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. These commands interact with the data stored in your database. Mastering DML is crucial for data management tasks.

7. What is the view in SQL?

A view is a virtual table created by a query that pulls data from one or more tables. Operating like a table, it simplifies complex queries and enhances data security by restricting access to specific data.

8. What do you mean by foreign key?

A foreign key establishes a relationship between two tables. This key references the primary key in another table, ensuring referential integrity. It prevents orphaned records and maintains valid relationships across your database.

9. What are table and field?

A table is a collection of related records, while a field represents a specific attribute of those records. In essence, tables store your data, and fields define the characteristics of each data point within those tables.

10. What is the primary key?

The primary key uniquely identifies each record within a table. It cannot contain null values, ensuring that every entry is distinct. Selecting an appropriate primary key is essential for effective data retrieval and integrity.

11. What is a Default constraint?

A Default constraint assigns a default value to a field. This default applies when no specific value is provided during data insertion. By utilizing this constraint, you can maintain consistency in your database.

12. What is normalization?

Normalization is the process of organizing data to minimize redundancy and dependency. This technique divides large tables into smaller ones while establishing relationships. Understanding normalization leads to more efficient data structures.

13. What is Denormalization?

Denormalization involves combining normalized tables back into larger tables. This process can improve query performance since fewer joins are necessary during data retrieval. Remember, denormalization may introduce redundancy, so use it judiciously.

14. What is a query?

A query is a request for data from a database. Different types of queries, such as SELECT, ensure you can extract specific information you need. Crafting accurate queries is fundamental for effective database interaction.

15. What is a subquery?

A subquery is a nested query used inside another query. It provides additional filtering or data retrieval. This technique allows complex data extraction without creating temporary tables.

16. What are the different operators available in SQL?

Operators in SQL include arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators. Each serves a distinct purpose, from performing calculations to filtering records based on specific criteria. Familiarizing yourself with these operators optimizes your query writing.

17. What is a Constraint?

A constraint is a rule applied to a table’s data. It enforces data integrity by limiting the types of data that can be inserted. Common constraints include NOT NULL, UNIQUE, and CHECK.

18. What is Data Integrity?

Data integrity refers to the accuracy and consistency of your data. Maintaining data integrity is crucial for reliable database operations. Implementing constraints and validation rules helps achieve this goal.

19. What is Auto Increment?

Auto Increment automatically generates unique numeric values for a specific field. Often used for primary keys, this feature simplifies data entry by eliminating the need for manual input of unique identifiers.

20. What is MySQL collation?

Collation specifies how string comparison is performed in MySQL. It influences sorting and case sensitivity. Understanding collation can improve the accuracy of data retrieval and management.

21. What are user-defined functions?

User-defined functions (UDFs) are custom functions created to encapsulate specific logic. UDFs enhance the reusability of code and allow complex computations to be performed directly within SQL queries.

22. What are all types of user-defined functions?

The primary types of UDFs include scalar, table-valued, and inline functions. Each type serves distinct purposes, such as returning single values or sets of rows. Knowing the differences assists in selecting the appropriate function for your tasks.

23. What is a stored procedure?

A stored procedure is a precompiled collection of SQL statements stored in the database. These procedures can be executed with a single call, improving efficiency by reducing the need for repetitive query parsing.

24. What are aggregate and scalar functions?

Aggregate functions perform calculations on a set of values and return a single value, while scalar functions operate on a single value. Understanding these functions is vital for data analysis.

25. What is an ALIAS command?

The ALIAS command assigns a temporary name to a table or a column in a query. This can enhance readability in complex queries, making it easier to reference specific fields.

26. What are Union, minus, and Intersect commands?

UNION combines the results of two or more queries, MINUS returns distinct records from the first query that are not present in the second, and INTERSECT yields records common to both queries. Each command allows for specific data analysis techniques.

27. What is a T-SQL?

Transact-SQL (T-SQL) is Microsoft’s proprietary extension of SQL. It adds programming constructs like variables and error handling, enhancing SQL’s capabilities for developers using Microsoft SQL Server.

28. What is ETL in SQL?

ETL stands for Extract, Transform, Load. This process involves extracting data from various sources, transforming it into a suitable format, and loading it into a target database for analysis or reporting.

29. How to copy tables in SQL?

To copy tables, use the CREATE TABLE AS command. This command creates a new table based on the structure and content of an existing one. Alternatively, use INSERT INTO with SELECT for more control over data transfer.

30. What is SQL injection?

SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits vulnerabilities in an application’s software. Attackers can manipulate queries to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data. Always carry out security best practices to mitigate this risk.

31. Can we disable a trigger? If yes, how?

Yes, triggers can be disabled using the ALTER TRIGGER command. This command temporarily halts a trigger’s execution, allowing for controlled modifications while maintaining data integrity.

32. What are the differences between SQL and PL/SQL?

SQL is a declarative language focused on data retrieval and manipulation, while PL/SQL is a procedural extension to SQL, featuring additional programming capabilities. PL/SQL allows for complex operations, including loops and conditional statements.

33. What is the difference between BETWEEN and IN operators in SQL?

The BETWEEN operator filters records within a specified range, while the IN operator checks for specific values in a list. Both serve distinct purposes in query optimization.

34. Write an SQL query to find the names of employees starting with ‘A’.

SELECT name FROM employees WHERE name LIKE 'A%';

35. What is the difference between primary key and unique constraints?

While both constraints maintain data uniqueness, a primary key uniquely identifies each record and cannot contain null values. In contrast, unique constraints can accept a single null.

36. What is a join in SQL? What are the types of joins?

A join combines records from two or more tables based on a related column. Common types of joins include INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL OUTER joins, each varying in how they return data.

37. What is an index?

An index enhances data retrieval speed in a database table. By creating an index, you can significantly reduce query response times, making it easier to search large datasets efficiently.

38. What is the On Delete cascade constraint?

The On Delete cascade constraint automatically deletes related records when a parent record is deleted. This constraint maintains data integrity by preventing orphaned records in child tables.

39. Explain WITH clause in SQL?

The WITH clause allows for temporary result set definitions. Using this clause, you can simplify complex queries and improve clarity by referring to these result sets later in your query.

40. What are all the different attributes of indexes?

Key attributes of indexes include type, uniqueness, and sorting order. Each attribute influences how queries access and retrieve data, making comprehending index attributes vital for optimization.

41. What is a Cursor?

A cursor enables row-by-row processing of query results in SQL. While useful for handling specific tasks, excessive use can lead to performance issues. Understanding when to use cursors will optimize data handling.

42. Write down various types of relationships in SQL?

Relationships in SQL include one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Each relationship type defines how data in different tables corresponds, influencing data structure and integrity.

43. What is a trigger?

A trigger is a set of instructions that automatically run in response to specific events on a table, such as INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE actions. Triggers help enforce business rules and maintain data integrity.

44. What is the difference between SQL DELETE and SQL TRUNCATE commands?

DELETE removes specific records based on a condition, while TRUNCATE quickly clears all records from a table. TRUNCATE is faster and does not log individual row deletions.

45. What is the difference between Cluster and Non-Cluster Index?

Cluster indexes store data rows in the same order as the index. Non-cluster indexes create a separate structure for indexing, pointing to the actual data rows. Understanding these differences affects query performance.

46. What is a Live Lock?

A live lock occurs when processes continuously change states without progressing. While not technically deadlocked, this phenomenon can hinder database efficiency and performance.

47. What is Case WHEN in SQL?

CASE WHEN is a conditional expression that allows users to perform IF-THEN-ELSE logic within SQL statements. It’s useful for creating new fields based on specific criteria or conditions within queries.

Approach these questions with clarity and confidence, and you’ll project a strong understanding of SQL during your interview.

Advanced SQL Interview Questions and Answers

This section addresses advanced SQL interview questions that may arise during your job search. Each question focuses on critical concepts that demonstrate your SQL expertise.

48. Name Different Types of Case Manipulation Functions Available in SQL.

Several case manipulation functions exist in SQL that help format string data. These functions include:

  • UPPER(): Converts all characters in a string to uppercase.
  • LOWER(): Changes all characters in a string to lowercase.
  • INITCAP(): Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string (available in Oracle).
  • UCASE() and LCASE(): Synonyms for UPPER() and LOWER() in various platforms, like MySQL and SQL Server.

Understanding these functions allows you to manage string data effectively.

49. What Are Local and Global Variables and Their Differences?

Local variables are defined within specific functions or stored procedures, making them accessible only within that particular scope. In contrast, global variables are declared at a session or system level. This global declaration grants access to multiple functions, eliminating the need for parameter passing. Recognizing these differences is crucial for writing efficient and organized SQL code.

50. Name the Function Which Is Used to Remove Spaces at the End of a String?

To remove trailing spaces from a string, you can use the TRIM() function. This function cleans up any unnecessary whitespace, ensuring proper formatting in outputs or queries. It enhances data presentation by providing clean, accurate strings.

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SQL Interview Questions: 70+ Questions & Answers to Ace Your 2024 Interviews

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51. What Is the Difference Between TRUNCATE and DROP Statements?

TRUNCATE and DROP statements serve distinct purposes. The TRUNCATE statement removes all rows from a table efficiently without logging individual row deletions, yet retains the structure for future use. Conversely, the DROP statement eliminates both data and the table structure itself from the database. Hence, while TRUNCATE is reversible in terms of table structure, DROP is not.

52. Which Operator Is Used in Queries for Pattern Matching?

The LIKE operator is utilized for pattern matching in SQL. It allows you to search for specific patterns within string data. For example, using % as a wildcard enables the search for any sequence of characters. This operator is essential for flexible querying.

53. Define SQL ORDER BY Statement.

The ORDER BY statement sorts query results based on one or more columns. You can specify ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. For instance, sorting employee names alphabetically enhances data readability. This statement plays a significant role when presenting query outputs.

54. Explain SQL HAVING Statement.

The HAVING statement filters aggregated data, applying conditions to results produced by the GROUP BY clause. This distinction is essential, as WHERE cannot filter grouped data. For instance, you might use HAVING to show sales regions with total sales exceeding a specific value.

55. Explain SQL AND OR Statement With an Example.

The AND and OR operators construct compound conditions in queries. Use the AND operator to ensure both conditions must be true, while OR allows for flexibility. For example, an SQL statement could be:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department = 'Sales' AND age > 30 OR tenure > 5;

This query retrieves employees in Sales who are either older than 30 or have more than five years of service.

56. Define BETWEEN Statements in SQL.

The BETWEEN operator offers a way to filter results within a specific range. It evaluates whether a value lies between two endpoints, inclusive of both. For example, the SQL statement could look like:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE price BETWEEN 100 AND 200;

This command retrieves products with prices ranging from $100 to $200.

57. Why Do We Use COMMIT and ROLLBACK Commands?

The COMMIT command finalizes all transactions made during the current session, ensuring data integrity. Meanwhile, ROLLBACK restores the database to its previous state in case an error occurs or changes need to be discarded. This duality provides security in data management.

58. What Are ACID Properties?

ACID properties—Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability—ensure reliable database transactions. Atomicity guarantees that a series of operations either all occur or none do. Consistency maintains database integrity, while Isolation allows transactions to occur independently. Finally, Durability ensures that committed transactions persist even though failures.

59. Are NULL Values the Same as Zero or a Blank Space?

NULL values differ significantly from zero and blank spaces. While zero is a numeric value and a blank space is a character string, a NULL value signifies the absence of a value altogether. Recognizing this distinction is crucial for accurate data handling and interpretation.

60. What Is the Need for Group Functions in SQL?

Group functions enable aggregation of multiple rows into single results, summarizing data efficiently. These functions, such as AVG, COUNT, and SUM, help data analysis and reporting. They simplify interpreting vast data sets, presenting clear insights.

61. What Is the Need for a MERGE Statement?

The MERGE statement allows you to combine data from two tables efficiently. It facilitates conditional updates or inserts based on matching criteria, simplifying data synchronization. This statement streamlines operations by reducing the need for multiple separate queries.

62. How Can You Fetch Common Records From Two Tables?

To find common records, use the INNER JOIN operator. This operator retrieves rows from both tables that match specified conditions. For example:

SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.id = table2.id;

Such queries effectively identify shared data between tables.

63. What Are the Advantages of PL/SQL Functions?

PL/SQL functions enhance SQL capabilities by introducing procedural features. These functions enable complex calculations, support parameters, and promote code reuse. They enhance the efficiency and organization of SQL code, especially in large applications.

64. What Is the SQL Query to Display the Current Date?

To retrieve the current date in SQL, use the following query:


This command displays the current date, enabling date-related operations.

65. What Are Nested Triggers?

Nested triggers are triggers that activate indirectly as a result of another trigger’s execution. They allow for complex processing workflows but can introduce risks of infinite loops or performance issues. Understanding their behavior is vital for pinpointing trigger-related errors.

66. How to Find the Available Constraint Information in the Table?

You can find constraint information using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views or querying system catalog tables, depending on your SQL platform. For example:


This retrieves details about constraints applied to a specific table.

67. How Do We Avoid Getting Duplicate Entries in a Query Without Using the DISTINCT Keyword?

To avoid duplicates without DISTINCT, consider using GROUP BY. It groups rows sharing similar values, effectively eliminating duplicates in your result set. For example:

SELECT name FROM employees GROUP BY name;

This approach returns unique employee names.

68. The Difference Between NVL and NVL2 Functions?

The NVL() function substitutes NULL values with a specified value, whereas NVL2() provides alternative actions based on whether a value is NULL or not. This nuanced functionality enhances data handling flexibility.

69. What Is the Difference Between COALESCE() & ISNULL()?

COALESCE() returns the first non-NULL value from a list of arguments, while ISNULL() checks whether a given value is NULL, allowing you to specify a replacement. While both manage NULL values, they serve different purposes in queries.

70. Name the Operator Which Is Used in the Query for Appending Two Strings?

To concatenate strings, use the **`


`** operator in SQL. For instance:

SELECT first_name | | ' ' || last_name AS full_name FROM employees;

This query joins first and last names into a single output.

PostgreSQL Interview Questions


PostgreSQL is a powerful relational database management system that often appears in technical interview discussions. Understanding its key features, commands, and capabilities enhances your knowledge base and prepares you for interview challenges.

1. What is PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL is an advanced, open-source relational database management system that utilizes SQL. Known for its robustness and flexibility, it supports various data types and provides features like concurrency and fault tolerance.

2. What is the capacity of a table in PostgreSQL?

The maximum size of a table in PostgreSQL reaches up to 32 terabytes. This large capacity allows the management of extensive datasets, crucial for applications requiring substantial storage.

3. What is the importance of the TRUNCATE statement?

The TRUNCATE statement plays a vital role by efficiently removing all rows in a table without logging each row deletion. This command not only speeds up the process but also resets any auto-incrementing IDs, reclaiming disk space immediately.

4. Define tokens in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL, tokens represent identifiers and keywords that the query parser recognizes. These tokens form the essential building blocks of SQL statements, influencing how queries are constructed and executed.

5. What are partitioned tables called in PostgreSQL?

Partitioned tables in PostgreSQL are referred to as partitioned tables or just partitions. This feature allows large tables to be divided into more manageable pieces, improving query performance and database maintenance.

6. How can we start, restart, and stop the PostgreSQL server?

You can manage the PostgreSQL server using the command line utility known as pg_ctl. For instance, run pg_ctl start to start the server, pg_ctl stop to halt it, and pg_ctl restart to restart the server seamlessly.

7. What is the command used for creating a database in PostgreSQL?

To create a database in PostgreSQL, use the command CREATE DATABASE your_database_name;. This instruction establishes a new database instance where you can organize your data efficiently.

8. How will you change the datatype of a column?

To alter the datatype of a column, use the command ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name TYPE new_data_type;. This process enables adjustments based on evolving data requirements.

9. How do you define Indexes in PostgreSQL?

Indexes in PostgreSQL enhance data retrieval speed and efficiency. They can be created using the syntax CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name);, which significantly accelerates query performance.

10. Define sequence.

A sequence in PostgreSQL generates unique numeric identifiers. It facilitates the creation of unique keys for tables, often used for primary keys, ensuring that each entry maintains a distinct value.

11. What are string constants in PostgreSQL?

String constants are sequences of characters explicitly defined within single quotes in PostgreSQL. For example, 'Hello, World!' is a string constant utilized in SQL expressions and comparisons.

12. How can you get a list of all databases in PostgreSQL?

To list all databases, execute the command \l or SELECT datname FROM pg_database; in the PostgreSQL command line. This command retrieves a comprehensive overview of existing databases.

13. How can you delete a database in PostgreSQL?

To delete a database, use the command DROP DATABASE database_name;. Employ this command cautiously, as it permanently removes not only the database but also all the data contained within.

14. What are ACID properties? Is PostgreSQL compliant with ACID?

ACID properties—Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability—ensure reliable transaction processing. PostgreSQL adheres to these principles, guaranteeing data integrity during transactions.

15. Can you explain the architecture of PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL architecture consists of various components, such as the frontend and backend processes. The backend handles SQL commands, manages the database, and orchestrates interactions among users and data.

16. What do you understand by multi-version concurrency control?

Multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) allows PostgreSQL to manage concurrent transactions effectively. By maintaining multiple versions of data, it prevents conflicts and enhances application performance.

17. What do you understand by command enable-debug?

The enable-debug command assists in the investigation of database issues by providing detailed logging information. This feature allows developers to diagnose problems more efficiently.

18. How do you check the rows affected as part of previous transactions?

To check the number of rows affected by previous transactions, PostgreSQL returns this information after executing a data-manipulation command. Look for the output message indicating the number of rows processed.

19. What can you tell about WAL (Write Ahead Logging)?

Write Ahead Logging (WAL) records changes to the database before applying them. This mechanism ensures durability and data recovery, playing a crucial role in maintaining database integrity.

20. What is the main disadvantage of deleting data from an existing table using the DROP TABLE command?

Using the DROP TABLE command permanently annihilates both the table and its data. This action cannot be rolled back, which makes it risky if the table structure or data is needed at a later time.

21. How do you perform case-insensitive searches using regular expressions in PostgreSQL?

To execute case-insensitive searches, employ the ILIKE operator or the ~* regular expression operator. For example, SELECT * FROM table WHERE column ILIKE 'pattern'; allows flexible matching.

22. How will you take a backup of the database in PostgreSQL?

Taking a backup can be achieved with the pg_dump command. For instance, pg_dump database_name > backup_file.sql creates a dump of the specified database, preserving all data and structure.

23. Does PostgreSQL support full text search?

Indeed, PostgreSQL supports full-text search through its powerful tsearch functionality. This feature enhances search capabilities, allowing searches on large texts for relevant phrases and words.

24. What are parallel queries in PostgreSQL?

Parallel queries in PostgreSQL enable the database to execute portions of a query simultaneously. This functionality enhances query performance on large datasets, making data retrieval faster and more efficient.

25. Differentiate between commit and checkpoint.

A COMMIT operation finalizes a transaction, ensuring data changes are saved permanently. On the other hand, a CHECKPOINT writes all modified buffers to disk, ensuring data durability and system recovery readiness.

Wrapping it up

Mastering SQL is essential for anyone looking to advance their career in data management. With a solid grasp of the concepts and answers provided in this article, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle any SQL interview.

Practicing with this curated interview questions can boost your confidence and enhance your understanding of both basic and advanced topics. Remember that continuous learning and practice are key to staying competitive in the ever-evolving tech landscape. 

What other SQL interview questions do you know? Share them in the comments. 


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